8. En revanche...
pronounced more or less: ahn reuh vanh she OR ahn reuh vanhsh
The "n" of en is nasalized, so don't let your tongue touch the roof of your mouth. Pronounced correctly, this expression is a mouthful of deliciousness.
Literal translation: "in revenge" (in some contexts, the French word vengeance is used to speak of "revenge")
Meaning: "on the other hand"
Implications: en revanche is used in the same contexts and for the same reasons as the English equivalent "on the other hand": to extend the discussion point with a comment standing in contrast to what has just been expressed. Clear? Not so much? Read the examples below.
Remarks: en revanche is widely used in both oral and written, polite and familiar French.
Example One: You're chatting with neighbors about the recent change in weather, basking in the spring sunshine so longed-for during the long, cold, dreary winter months that drizzled by so slowly you thought they'd never end. Sound familiar? Eh bien... You comment on what a beautiful day it is, what a pleasure it is to be out working in the garden, how fantastic the sun feels and how absolutely splendid it is to peel off all the layers of winter woolens and (ugh) fleece after all these months. One of the neighbors, a practical tenth generation Cevenol with a "life is tough and we like it that way" mentality , instantly breaks in: "Sure the sun is nice; en revanche, the garden needs rain."
Your thankfully voiceless thought bubble reads: "Well, shiver me timbers. J'hallucine ou quoi ? We just had two straight weeks of rain!"
Note: en revanche is usually followed by an element considered as more or less positive. Therefore you and your neighbor clearly part company on some of life's simple pleasures.
Example Two: It's local election time. Initially there were four contenders for a seat on the Conseil Général, now down to two after the first round of voting. The two remaining are friends of ours (not so much of each other): the incumbent F.M... and the insightful R.M... One initial and worlds apart, both would represent the valley well. F.M... is a seasoned politician, glib by birth. "Flexible" in his political beliefs, he changes political camps with the wind (read: where the money is, there you shall find him) and therefore has the support of all the major power players in the region. En revanche, R.M... is the one who will look after our cultural interests, make sure the library under construction for years receives sufficient financing to be completed and opened, finally.
Got Gaul Opinionator says: "F.M... will win; en revanche, it won't be a landslide.
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